Being a member of a church is optional, even though as a Christian, you should submit to a church.
Once you become a member of a church, certain responsibilities fall on your shoulders automatically.
You are probably wondering, “Do church members have responsibilities to the church?” The answer is a resounding YES! There are things that you are expected to do to contribute to the achievement of your church’s mission. We will discuss a few of them in this post.
Responsibilities of Church Members to the Church
Usually, a Christian’s understanding of their responsibilities depends on their denomination and theological convictions. Notwithstanding, certain responsibilities cut across the board. Here are some of them:
Attend services regularly
The scripture is very clear on why church members need to always be present for services. It is the fundamental responsibility of all Christians. According to Heb. 10:24-25, we should not forsake the assembly of the righteous.
When we skip services, we are missing out on Jesus’ supper, the Word, and fellowship with other believers. It also affects the building of our faith and stifles spiritual growth. However, it isn’t just about what we gain from services, it is what we give.
The church needs your presence during every service. It is a huge encouragement to the pastor and other church members. Even though we don’t always feel like it, it is our responsibility to attend services regularly.
Serve with spiritual gifts
God has blessed every Christian with spiritual gifts. These gifts are not to edify ourselves or for personal benefit. They are meant for the edification of the church. The church is not a place where the Pareto Principle should take hold. It should be one for all and all for one.
Remember the parable of the talents? Don’t be like the servant that buried his talent and accused his master of reaping where he didn’t sow. It is your responsibility to use that gift efficiently so that it benefits your church.
A good place to begin is to ask yourself, “What is my spiritual gift?” Once you figure it out, ask your Pastor or a minister for help on how to use it. Start to serve and get involved. God entrusted those gifts into your hands for a reason.
Protect and affirm the gospel
Many times, we think it is the pastor’s responsibility to protect and affirm the gospel. We’ve got news for you, this responsibility is for every member of the church. Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, didn’t chastise the elders for wavering in their faith, he chastised church members. He saw it as the responsibility of the congregants to prevent the distortion of the gospel.
Of course, not all church members have the ability to master systematic theology. However, everyone should understand the basic substance of the Word and our faith. This means that you should know what your church stands for and be sure that it aligns with God’s word. You must go beyond just hearing the word in church alone to studying the word personally. Doing this helps you to protect the gospel in your sphere of influence and affirming it anywhere you go.
Love one another
Jesus Christ told us in the scripture that the greatest commandment of all is “love.” God is love and for us to claim to know and be in a relationship with Him, we must exhibit this love.
Love should be our nature as Christian and it is our responsibility to love other church members. This affection defines our identity as Christian according to 1 John 4:7. We must express love for others in each service and through different means.
Understanding our responsibility to love one another helps us to seek church unity. It also enables us to intercede for others, bear their burdens, show hospitality, and sacrifice for others. Loving each other gives us a clear indication of who God is and how much He loves us.
Praying for the church
Luke 18:1 says that “men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Throughout the scripture, the place and importance of prayer is continually emphasized. We shouldn’t just pray about our needs and desires. God expects us to pray for the church as well.
When we perform this responsibility as we should, it becomes far easier to handle all the others. The Holy Spirit is a major influence on what we pray for and how we pray. He leads us to pray for members of the church, pastors, and other leaders. The Holy Spirit also inspires us to pray about church advancement and welfare.
Use the church app
Technology is fast-changing how we do church these days. With technological tools like a church app, service in the church has become easier and more encompassing. If your church has invested in adopting a church app, it is your responsibility as a member to download and use it.
A church app like ChurchPad helps to handle several responsibilities and tasks. Some of these tasks include:
- Church communication.
- Publicity.
- Digital donation.
- Children check-in
- Livestream
- Listen to sermons, etc.
Carrying out all these tasks helps you to contribute more as a church member while growing as an individual. For example, you can give better through your church app. You can also listen to sermons and send in questions if you are not clear about certain issues. More than anything else, you can connect with other church members to express the love that we discussed above.
Becoming a church member comes with so many responsibilities. We have mentioned only six in this post. Others include discipling other church members, sowing to your church, and publicizing services. Don’t leave these responsibilities to the church leadership. You are also a stakeholder in your church so start acting like one. Meanwhile, check out the features of ChurchPad and how they can be helpful to your church.