To invest in something is to apply money, time and other forms of resources on a product, service, or person, with the view to that action accruing value at a future date.
So, for example, when you invest time by being available for your children, you hope that they become reasonable and responsible adults.
When you invest in stocks, real estate, or any other business, it is with the hope that they will yield appreciable returns. Likewise, when you invest in yourself through continuous self-improvement, especially in education, in most cases, it is with the intent for career advancement and higher income. We often look forward to a good return on investment.
Investing in your church is no different from those examples. In fact, it is more important to improve on what your church has to offer now more than ever before. Improvement in operations has become necessary because the way the church functioned traditionally has changed forever with the disruption to public gatherings caused by the global pandemic.
Furthermore, we are dealing with a generation (mainly millennials) that is overwhelmingly hooked onto the convenience technology brings. And so, one of the best ways to make sure the church remains relevant is by accepting this shift as a reality that has come to stay and therefore, investing in a Church Management System (ChMS) that addresses it is a wise decision to make.
There are three additional reasons why those who have embraced this change have made a move.
First, the presence of a ChMS opens up a whole vista of helpful tools that add up to make church administration run smoothly and with less pain. For one, it reduces the level of staff/volunteer interface that sometimes leads to errors and avoidable frictions. This reason, in itself, reduces costs and improves efficiency. Furthermore, information is readily available for the leadership to gauge the church’s health and make informed decisions.
Secondly, convenience is now a way of life that will no longer be traded for inconvenience. Technology has made life more manageable and comfortable for the vast majority of the global population. People no longer want to wait or exert efforts to accomplish tasks. They want favorable results and outcomes and they want it now.
Technology has enabled that mindset and this culture has entered the church. Whether It is approved of or not, it is the future. Offering a hybrid of traditional and modern member engagement methods is key to sustainability and remaining relevant in the contemporary church. Worshippers will gravitate to a church that aligns with their current way of life.
Thirdly, communication is an essential vehicle for engagement, whether in person or the virtual world. The church is set up to propagate the Good News through the use of various forms of communication. You will want your programs, sermons, information about the church, etc. to be disseminated timely and in an efficient manner. The church is now global and not limited to the immediate community, hence the need to put together information that sends the right message to would-be visitors and existing members.
The good news is that there are church management software like ChurchPad with integrated tools specifically designed to make church administration less of a chore. It is affordable and programmed to accommodate any size church. Beyond that, those who created it understand that not one size fits all and so it gives the flexibility to choose what tools are relevant to your current church needs. The comforter is that it leverages world-class technology; it is cloud-based and can be customized to individual needs.
One purpose of the church is to make available a platform for fellowship. Other reasons are prayer, holy communion and teaching of the gospel as summed up in Acts 2:42. The disciples who are produced as a result of this experience, in turn, win souls to Christ. ChMS’ address these mandates and when appropriately deployed, guarantee a return of investment that is considered invaluable. Winning and keeping souls is essential. Using cutting edge tools that will aid this is worth investing in.